Related Projects
Actively Developing
Projects that are actively being worked on as part of the Next-Gen DMAC project.
- XREDS: Xarray Environmental Data Services
- RESTful Grids: Exploring modern RESTful services for gridded data
- XPublish: Publish Xarray Datasets via a REST API
- XPublish OpenDAP: OpenDAP implementation
- XPublish EDR: Environmental Data Retrieval API
- XPublish WMS: Web Mapping Service API
Open-source projects that we are utilizing as part of this project.
- Argo: Open source tools for Kubernetes to run workflows, manage clusters, and do GitOps right
- Dask: Distributed computing in Python
- Intake: Taking the pain out of data access and distribution
- Kerchunk: Cloud-optimized data
- Kubernetes: Infrastructure management
- Nebari: Data science platform
- Pangeo: A community platform for Big Data geoscience
- RabbitMQ: Messaging that just works
- STAC: SpatioTemporal Asset Catalogs