NOAA Coastal Ocean Reanalysis (CORA)

RPS worked with the CORA group to optimize this very large dataset for cloud-based access.


Atlantic reanalysis

  • HSOFS mesh (~1.8 million nodes)
  • 40 years of hourly data every 500m along the coast, including within bays, estuaries, and coastal river mouth entrances
  • ~70 TB of storage

Pacific reanalysis

  • GSTOFS mesh (~450k-2.2m nodes)
  • Resolution down to 80m for Hawaii and US West Coast
  • 90-120m for Pacific Islands
  • ~300 TB of storage


Applying Kerchunk

After applying kerchunk to cloud-optimize the data, we were able to perform the following analysis:

Function Optimized Original
Month long time-series 2 s ??
Get 141 annual time series 3 min 30 min
Daily max water level 6 s >90 min