Next-Gen DMAC

Cloud-Optimized Data Management and Cyberinfrastructure

A collaboration between RPS, a Tetra Tech Company and the NOAA Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS)

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This public repository maintains prototype code and documentation describing the efforts and direction related to the project, “Reaching for the Cloud: Architecting a Cloud-Native Service-Based Ecosystem for DMAC.” The goal of this project is to identify the technological and process shifts needed to develop a cloud-native architecture that will serve the current and future needs of the IOOS community. We will be testing a variety of technologies to identify more efficient cloud processing, storage, and data collection options while experimenting with cloud-native architectural patterns to bring it all together.

For a great resource explaining the background information for the Next-Gen DMAC project, check out This Slideshow.

We hosted a DMAC Tech Webinar in June 2023 explaining some of the results of the project so far.